Thursday, May 26, 2011


LOL, I just wasn't satisfied with my blog URL here :(
It didn't feel like "me" >_<;;;
Please feel free to follow my new blog ^^
I promise to update more often?! >.<!!!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

For the love of...W♥C!

OOTD: May 21,2011
Bonjour mes amis~!
Last week I made yet a purchase from Tori! (^-^)~~~ KEKEKE. My most recent purchase was the W♥C distressed shorts. They are a tad loose on me, but I LOVE THEM.  I totally wanted to wear them to work today, but they are just about borderline scandalous.(T^T) OH OH OH, Tori also surprised me with the cutest mirror! *^*~~~~! BLAHHHHH, I recently lost my knock-off Anna Sui mirror, so receiving this was just perfect. I may be changing my interest in clothing, but cute little traveling trinkets never fail to make their way into my make-up bag. ♥

... I have been meaning to blog about my last W♥C purchase from Tori, but I was focused on my yaplog at the time, which BTW will probably be forever on hiatus now. Anyways, I am definitely lucky to have the "sex&w♥c" cardigan! It totally suits me. At first you don't notice the obscenity of the words, but when you look hard enough, the text is shockingly vulgar. IMO, that's kind of like my personality. I'm extremely meek & shy at a glance, but when you get to know me I'm surprisingly obnoxious. LOL~~~ Having pieces that embody your entity brings more value to your closet, don't you think?

Anyways, head on over to:




 & take a look at TORI's sales!

Type of feedback: Positive
Communication: 5/5 (quick replies & super nice ^^)
Shipping: 5/5 (super fast~!)
Item condition: 5/5
(I have bought 3 w♥c items from Tori & all were in excellent condition!)

^^ A GO GO GO~!
(lol, hurry, before i do)

It's going to be, BOKEH.

Hello everyone~ ^^

So, recently my family became the proud owners of a Canon 600D/Rebel T3i!Now, I'm not claiming to be a professional at photography... In fact, I am still learning how to use the camera! T^T~~~ But those photos are just a little look into the type of photos I'm interested in shooting outside of fashion. After watching DigitalRev videos, I was really inspired to make my own bokeh shapes. In this photo set, I used a heart shape, though, they look more like a messed up pacman V_V... Hopefully, when I have more understanding of how bokeh works, I'll place a DIY video and tutorial here! ^^ Until then...

See you later~~~